Anna Zaros Anna Zaros

A Touch of Kindness

As millennials make the move to senior management we may think what it takes to succeed is falling right in line with the kind of behavior that demands efficiency at all costs, unquestioned workplace devotion, and fear of failure as a motivator. It doesn’t.

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Anna Zaros Anna Zaros

Resource Alert: CCF Aligned Actions List

When CCF was formulated in 2015 the brilliant team to do so created an “Aligned Actions List.” I frequently run through this list to test my fundraising activities and challenge my thinking - am I advancing justice and equality in my daily work? In my strategic planning? Or am I furthering the harmful tropes of fundraising?

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Anna Zaros Anna Zaros

On Hospitality

We all know what it feels like to walk into someone’s home and be welcomed with gracious hospitality. We feel like we’re in the right place, that we belong, that we are wanted. How can we transform our workplaces to look, feel, and even taste the same way?

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Anna Zaros Anna Zaros

What’s a Cazimi?

While we wade into a new year, brainstorm a list of possible “organizational development cazimis” that may lie ahead for you. What is an area of growth you’d like to focus on for yourself and/or your organization in the new year? What challenges and/or opportunities may present transformational moments to deepen that growth?

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Anna Zaros Anna Zaros

Do You Trust Me?

You cannot, I repeat, cannot, assume trust in the workplace. Trust is something we actively and intentionally build in our daily work and interactions. And we need a baseline of trust to be able to do, well anything else really, in our organizations.

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Anna Zaros Anna Zaros

Organizational Development Barbie

Like Barbie, we don’t need to be hamstrung from making important changes just because our world/organization isn’t as great as we thought it was. What are the simple, every day ways we can make things better right now, in the imperfect, messy context we’re in.

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Anna Zaros Anna Zaros

Listening Power

“Best Practices” might tell us how important, good, or powerful listening can be, but have we actually created the space, structures, and practices in our organizations to make the skill and use of listening a reality?

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Anna Zaros Anna Zaros

Are nonprofits democratic?

How can we build microcosms of democracy and freedom in our community institutions – which can be building blocks to broader societal change?

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Anna Zaros Anna Zaros

Into the Ocean

Starting my own business feels a bit like being at the edge of the ocean - I want that freedom and power every day, even at work. And I’m not the only one.

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