Let’s work together

  • Organizational Development Consulting

    I can support your workplace with its organizational development needs, such as change management processes, supporting growth and development of teams, and completing OD assessments.

  • Project Capacity

    You know what needs to happen to strengthen your organization - a process needs changing or a structure needs fixing - but you don’t have the staff capacity to tackle the project right now. That’s where I come in - an extra set of hands just when you need it to take on discrete projects.

  • Fundraising

    My career began in fundraising and I’ve done just about everything you can in the field. If you need support with a number of different fundraising tasks - grant writing, fundraising plan development, campaign feasibility study, appeal writing, etc. - I’m here to help.

  • Something else?

    Do you have a challenge at your workplace, but you’re not quite sure how to solve it? Do you think you might need organizational development expertise but these service categories don’t fit quite right? I’d love to consult on how I can best support you, or help direct you to the right place.