Resource Alert: Oxfam’s Inclusive Language Guide

I’ve written hundreds grant applications, fundraising appeals, and blog posts over the years. And the longer I’ve done this work the more acutely I feel the deep importance of using language that doesn’t further harmful narratives, but lifts up equality and justice instead. Nonprofits have largely moved away from “poverty porn” in our images, but our language still lags. And, those of us tasked with promoting our organization’s mission or mobilizing resources for our organization’s mission, often get stuck in a zero-sum game of using language that upholds equality and justice v. using language that “tugs on heart strings” and motivates a donor.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Language isn’t a zero-sum game. We can effectively share our story, mobilize resources, avoid language that furthers harmful narrative, and even use language that uplifts equality and justice.

As Hanna Thomas and Anna Hirsch write in their introduction to A Progressive’s Style Guide: ”Language is a key ingredient in a winning theory of change. Language can build bridges and change minds….understanding and applying the authentic language of the individuals and communities with whom we work can be a revolutionary act in itself.”

Enter Oxfam’s Inclusive Language Guide! It is a great resource for all, but especially people working in NGOs who want to be conscientious and intentional about the words we use, both inside and outside of our organizations.

Check it out here!


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