My approach

No matter what we work on together, I bring my skill and background in organizational development. But I’m going to mix that up with a few things to make my special sauce:


I’m a peacebuilder at heart. Peacebuilding has often been a thing that is done externally, with “those people over there” who are in conflict. But what if we turned that lens onto ourselves? I’ll work with you to build peace, justice, and equity within our organizations. We’ll use the tools of conflict transformation to address immediate situations, but also the overall systems, processes, and history at play.


We can’t make real change possible if we don’t first have a baseline of trust. I’ve seen too many workplace conflicts, change management processes, and good intentions implode because the necessary trust wasn’t present. Drawing especially from the tools of community organizing, we are going to use listening and relationship-building to grow lasting trust.

and Cookies

My grandmother always had a freezer full of cookies. She was at the ready to provide hospitality if anyone stopped over for coffee. The simple act of providing hospitality is a radical one. In our fast-paced workplaces simple acts of hospitality and gratitude often fall to the wayside as superfluous. They are anything but - we will build from hospitality as our foundation.