Working together to build stronger, healthier organizations

Peace, trust, and cookies

Working primarily with NGOs, nonprofits, and community-based groups I’m passionate about organizations working more effectively - inside and out. I work with organizations to strengthen their internal culture, systems, and teams so they’re better able to achieve their goals of justice, equity and change. I combine organizational development with tools like peacebuilding and community organizing to make lasting, holistic change.

It all starts with peace, trust, and, well, believe it or not, cookies.

How we can work together

Addressing challenges in your organization can feel like wading into the vast ocean without so much as a life vest. It doesn’t have to be. When I work with you we figure out together the best approach to strengthen your organization.

A lighthouse in a calm sea

Food for thought

Recent Blog Post: A Touch fo Kindness

As millennials make the move to senior management we may think what it takes to succeed is falling right in line with the kind of behavior that demands efficiency at all costs, unquestioned workplace devotion, and fear of failure as a motivator. It doesn’t.

Drop me a line

I’d love to talk to you about the opportunities and challenges you’re facing at your organization, and how I could be of support to you.
